Keeping up with the fashion trends and having stylish clothes can become quite expensive, especially when things are tight economically. However, being fashionable does not always have to break the bank.
This article suggests ways in which you can look good, while staying on your budget plan.

Swap and share clothes with friends
Have you had your eye on your best friend’s blouse for a while? Ask her if she’s willing to let you have it, and in exchange, she can have an item from your closet.
Some people even host ‘swap parties’ where everyone brings pieces of clothing that they no longer wear. Everyone then goes through the clothes, and picks out something that they like. This is often done amongst close friends. Each person gets to go home with new pieces of clothing for their wardrobes!
Also, lending and sharing clothes and accessories with friends is another great way of saving money. If you and your friend or sibling have similar tastes and you both have your eye on an expensive item (such as a handbag or a piece of jewelry) you can split the costs, and ‘co-own’ it.
Source: Source: jfeuchter on Flickr.
Do your own manicures and pedicures
Having your nails nicely done can certainly brighten your mood, but weekly appointments at the salon can certainly add up in costs. Instead, do your own pedicures and manicures! Buy some bottles of nail polish in your favourite colours, a manicure/pedicure kit (this would contain nail clippers, a small pair of scissors, and an emery board amongst other tools) as well as a bottle of nail polish remover.
It is always recommended to put on a layer of clear nail polish as a top coat, whether you’re doing a solid colour on your nails, or a pattern. This will help to protect the nail polish from everyday wear and chipping, and also let it last longer.
YouTube is filled with tutorials for all sorts of nail polish designs, from the simple but elegant French Manicure, to polka dots, rainbows, even little animals! For these more intricate designs, you would need to buy a few bottles of nail art polishes (these are little bottles of nail polish with a special thin tip that is created just for doing designs) for this. It might seem costly to buy all these nail supplies, but you certainly get more use and wears out of them then one trip to the salon.


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